My Minimalist Wardrobe–Winter 2016/17

The trick to having a varied wardrobe with few pieces is to buy pieces you can mix and match. I have three main colors and most of those are solid colored pieces so they have no patterns to clash with one another. Fortunately, I live in Minnesota where you can layer pieces most of the year.

Here are pictures of four pieces, two black and two persimmon, layered in various ways. The pictures themselves are terrible because I took them with my phone and because I didn’t spend a lot of time styling the clothes but they are enough to give you and idea of how I mix them.


That’s seven looks from those four pieces. If I wear them with black slacks one time then persimmon slacks the next time that makes enough variety for two weeks.

Before I add any of the four pieces of sapphire blue.

Or any of the five cardigans, hoodies, or blazers I also own in these colors.

And one more persimmon shirt I didn’t show you plus duplicates of the shawl collared black shirt.

I haven’t done the math to see how many outfits I can actually assemble from these fifteen pieces but I’m pretty sure I could wear something different every day for a month or more.

Before I add scarves.



3 thoughts on “My Minimalist Wardrobe–Winter 2016/17”

  1. wow!
    good advice for anyone who works and wants a small wardrobe. and still needs variety and to look good.

    mine is even smaller. but my needs are so few.
    I have inside clothes (a few totally comfortable things that I wear ONLY in the apt here)
    and then my outside clothes. and I counted them the other day and there are 22 pieces. but that counts my coats and jackets too. as you know we have HOT HOT summers and many winter days that are COLD COLD! so you have to have clothes for both.
    though it’s fun isn’t it… to see how little we need!
    I like the colors you chose.
    my colors are grey and cream and navy and taupe. and like you I can mix and match a lot.
    I don’t do prints though.

  2. Great ideas! I do similar…basic blacks, punched up with Aquas , Blues, and occasionally Red. I like to buy tank or cap sleeve…long length tops made of 100% nylon or polyester, when I can find them….no fading and no wrinkles. I live in Fl, so while usually a sweater or loose cambry shirt works for a jacket, I also keep a zip up hooded sweatshirt and one multi purpose leather coat [I could prob get by without it].

  3. I would never survive on only that wardrobe. Not enough variety for me but that is what makes us all different.

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