Simple wardrobe

I’ve been reading again about people simplifying their wardrobes. It reminded me of a contest I read about some time ago.

Each woman was given three grocery bags and told to bring only items that would fit in those bags. Then there would be fashion show.

The woman who won brought one bag of clothes and two bags of accessories.

Another woman I read about recently wore the same dress to work every day for a month. She simply changed accessories every day. No one noticed.

You don’t need a lot of clothes to have a changing wardrobe.

I currently have four pairs of jeans in various colors, four hoodies, and eight t-shirts. I can go forever without wearing the same outfit twice. And that’s not even changing shoes, scarves, or jewelry.



3 thoughts on “Simple wardrobe”

  1. LOL! fashion? what’s that?
    now… Comfort. that’s another thing.
    clean and Comfortable. my key to buying. and wearing! xo

  2. I don’t have many clothes that would be “outing clothing” and I tend to wear the same things to a variety of events because they are still in “reasonable condition” for outings. At home, I have lots of things that have splashes of paint on and they go to the very end of their life before I’m either buying something else, or I find something suitable that hasn’t seen the light of day for some time…

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