Bit by bit, day by day

If you sit back and look at the mess your home has become it can be overwhelming. You feel like there’s way too much to do. So, you decide to have another cup of coffee instead.

I suggest you simply do one thing a day to get rid of all that stuff.

Day 1: Create a donation station. Ours is a box in the coat closet. That’s where we put anything that has at least has a little value to it that we want to leave our home.

Day 2: Open your kitchen utensil drawer and gather any duplicate items plus any one use items you don’t really use. Put them in the box.

Day 3: Open your closet and remove anything that still has the tags on it. Put them in the box.

Day 4: Go back to your closet and remove anything that’s stained or torn. Put them in the rag bag or trash. No one else wants to wear them either.

Day 5. Go to your entertainment center and find any games no one ever plays and put them in the box.

Day 6: Go to your desk and throw away any pens that don’t work then decide how many of those left you actually use and put the rest in the box.

Repeat with dresser drawers, kitchen cabinets, book cases, etc.

Be sure the contents of the donation box actually get donated every now and then.

Decluttering does not have to happen quickly. Any progress is good. The load gets lighter every day until one day you realize what an amazing thing you have done.



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