I bought one more Lego kit. The bookshop.

(Click on the photo to enlarge it.)
See the kid standing on the steps? I figure he must be staying with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma is cold so the kid is required to wear a scarf and stocking cap. But it is likely Grandpa who bought the toy airplane that is now stuck in the tree. Not to worry. There is a ladder stashed in the basement of the townhouse just waiting for someone to climb up it to retrieve the plane. I bet Grandma won’t let the kid be the one to climb up there, though.
And the book that one guy is holding? Titled “Moby Brick.” I love the little bits of humor found in these kits.
Dave found an article the other day about Lego having realized there is an entire new audience for their kits made up of adults. It said adults find building Lego kits to be a type of mindful meditation. I know I can get lost in a kit for hours. It took me a whole week to build this one which is a good thing because they are expensive. I resell most of my kits on Craigslist to recover some of the purchase price. That still doesn’t make this a cheap hobby, though.
But, I’m probably done again. Until they release another kit in this series, at least. 