Because you asked.
My corner of the living room. Including my chair, desk, and yes, two trashcans. One for trash and one for paper recycling. And the pull-up bar I’m supposed to be using to stretch out my left arm; my elbow bends sideways which make my reach short. We have not yet bought overhead light fixtures so I get my desk area light through the kitchen pass-through for now.

The view from my chair. The bedroom door is just to the right of the TV. We still don’t watch live TV but we do stream programs or movies most evenings. Those things on the chair are pictures/paintings we have not yet rehung. The chair is sitting in front of the huge cold air return to the furnace/AC system which is just on the other side of that wall. The door to the left goes to our tiny balcony–just big enough for two chairs and a small table which are not actually out there right now.

The view from the couch towards the front door, coat closet with stacked washer/dryer, my parked Scoot, and the bedroom door. Yesterday’s picture of Dave’s corner with his chair and piano keyboard and the couch was taken from my Scoot.

And this is what you see if you get closer to the windows. Our front parking lot, our street (designated a parkway), and the ponds across the way that have walking paths and a playground. That metal tower in the upper right side of the picture is along I-494 but we no longer have an exit near us. You have to go past our side street to a freeway exit and circle back to get to us now.

So a less accessible location to get a more accessible apartment. Only about two miles from our previous apartment so we still know how to find things like the grocery stores, library, and city hall. Yes, we need to file homestead taxes here; there is a special statute for Continuous Care Retirement Centers which lets the building owners get a tax break for each occupied unit. If we don’t file we have to pay the difference. So we’ll file, thank you very much.