Says who?

When that inner voice says I can’t do that or should not want that or any other negative thought I need to learn to respond, “Says who?”

Who taught me that?

Under what circumstances?

Does that fit me for who I am now?

Does that fit me for who I want to be?

Says who?




Apparently I really upset someone.

That person made appointments in my name with various professionals. I knew nothing about them. Until I started receiving bills with “no show” charges on them.

How do you fight that? How can you cancel appointments you don’t know have been made?

Fortunately, that all happened in last night’s dream.

Apparently, the diabolical mind is mine.



Smart Tech

Our friend Bill, who lives alone, recently slipped on some ice and fell. He was wearing an Apple Watch which recognized the fall and asked if Bill was OK. When no one responded the watch called 911. The EMTs found him unconscious. They took pictures of him lying in his spilled blood, loaded him into an ambulance, and took him to the hospital where remained unconscious for a few days. He is now recovering while having therapy several times a day.  He does not remember the fall. He does believe that, if he had not been wearing that watch, he would have frozen to death before anyone found him.

Yay for technology!



Fun to read

I wouldn’t wear any of these shirts out in public but I sure enjoy reading them:,12954845,12948449,12941376,12941374,12945717&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImLyE1OHD9QIVhKgBCh0nPQd2EAEYASAAEgJgs_D_BwE




Have you played Wordle yet?

It’s like the game Mastermind if you remember it except Wordle uses five letter words. You type one in and it tells you about each letter if it is the right letter in the right place, the right letter in a wrong place, or a wrong letter altogether.

When I first tried playing, I simply typed in five letters of the alphabet. It replied something like that not being a word.

Oh, it wants real words.

I could not think of one.

It took me a long time to come up with my first five letter word.

But, it was a good one.

It only took me two more turns, out of the six allowed, to guess the right word.

That felt good so I wanted to play again.


Once a day is all you get.

So, I tried using my tablet instead of my computer.

Nope. It gives everyone the same first word no matter what day you start playing.

Then every day after that it gives everyone the same word for that day.

So playing on the computer then the tablet then the phone just gave me three games of the same word. Once you know that day’s word the challenge is gone.

Now, I played this for the first time yesterday, Friday. As you know, I am a night owl so I played it the second time just after midnight and got a new word.

That was before I learned you only get one word a day. So, no new word today as I played today’s word before I realized it was already Saturday.

Man this day is a long one.

But, I now have a large vocabulary of five letter words.

