
We spent all day today shopping at Camping World. OK, we didn’t leave here until after noon. And it’s about an hour’s drive over and another back. And we were home before five o’clock. And we ate lunch while we were out. But, it felt like all day at Camping World.

I can’t believe how much stuff we need to buy just because we traded motorhomes. The new one has a 50 amp power system and the old one had a 30 amp power system so none of our electrical cords and adapters work. The new one has different sized fuses so even that part of the electrical system had no backups in our collection.

The steps are bigger in the new one so we needed to buy new step carpets to help keep the outside where it belongs.

The dump hoses can be reused but we needed some new fittings.

We need to buy a new ladder for this taller rig but it wouldn’t fit in the tiny rental car so that one is still on the list.

We bought a new water pressure regulator which then needed a short section of new water hose in case we can’t screw it right to a campground’s water bib.

We bought a new folding step because the jacks on this thing can lift it so high off the ground that I need help getting up onto the first step of the RV.

And that’s just stuff we bought today.

We’ve already bought a new lap rug to keep me warm when sitting in the Euro Chair. And new glasses and dishes because we have room for them now. And a couple pocket litter trays because we don’t want to scratch the buffet by dumping our keys on it. And a new coffee mug that  I can microwave my morning eggs in. And a bar stool I can sit on while I cook.

And we still need a new paper towel holder because keeping the one from the View would have left screw holes in the wall and we weren’t willing to do that.

The good news is we didn’t have to buy a new couch for the old RV. The dealer we traded it to called today to see if we, by any chance, still had the old couch. It seems it will cost them $1700 parts, shipping, and labor to replace it. So we’re good with the money we are spending.



Delivery Day

Buying an RV in California without paying their 8.5% sales takes requires jumping through some hoops. One of those hoops is that the RV must be actually delivered out of state. Stier’s RV has a process for that.

A driver hired by Steir’s drives the RV, with you in it and his pickup truck towed behind it, across the state line to Primm, Nevada. There you are met by a notary who fills out forms and witnesses your signature that you did indeed take delivery out of state.

The route from Bakersfield, California, to Primm, Nevada, goes through the Tehachapi mountains passing right alongside the Southern Pacific Railroad’s Tehachapi Loop. It’s hard to take pictures at highway speeds through a window with a screen on it but here’s one of the loop right beside the highway and another of it running perpendicular to the highway as the railroad curves and climbs.

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There are three casinos in Primm, built right along the Nevada state line so you go from empty California to busy Nevada all at once.

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The transactions all took place inside our new home. While the notary had Dave sign one set of papers the driver finished his filling out another.

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Then they left and we were on our own. We taped to the windshield the temporary permit Karen of Alternative Resources in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, jumped through hoops on our behalf to get us then drove another couple of hours to Pahrump, Nevada, to a SKP co-op where we will stay until we feel more settled. If we are lucky, we will buy our new toad in nearby Las Vegas and get the hitch and supplemental brake installed there. After all the challenges of buying the RV here we would probably head back to South Dakota to buy the toad if it wasn’t so definitely winter there.

Now we have 15 days to get new tabs for our license plates. Once again Karen is jumping through those hoops for us. Putting the plates on now is not an option because any cop who decided to run them may then identify this as a stolen vehicle since the registration of the plates was for the View not the Journey. The new tabs will change that status letting us keep our easily remembered license plate number.

The only thing that actually went smoothly about this whole purchase was the transfer of our insurance from the View to the Journey. Hopefully, we will eventually get all the other pieces to match our new reality–which actually doesn’t feel very real yet.



New Bed

Our new Winnebago Journey Express 34Y came with a king-size bed complete with bed spread and two king-size pillows with shams.


What it didn’t come with is space to get to it. Here’s the “aisle” on my side of the bed:


And Dave’s side of the bed:


How would you like to have to squeeze down that every night? Neither would we. And we’ve never had a king-size bed before so it’s not as if we would miss having that much bed.

So we looked at the construction of the bed. The base is not king-size; only the platform that rests on that base is that big. So we asked the dealer to cut down the platform to queen-size and buy us a new mattress to put on it. After much hemming and hawing they decided they could do that.

So now we have this much aisle on my side:


And this much on Dave’s side:


I can actually walk around the bed; imagine that!

Of course they didn’t buy the mattress we were hoping they would. The memory foam topper we bought helps with that.


But now the bed is like one of those beds you see in old house tours where they have a step stool to get up onto it–33″ to the top of our new bed! I can’t even come close to being able to just walk up and sit down on that bed.


Fortunately, Winnebago provided for that problem with its own version of bed steps.


So, each night I literally climb into bed.




I have lots of experience at moving. My Dad was discharged from the Navy when I was 3 months old and I made my first move from one living quarters to another. Of course, I have no memory of that. I have memories of a couple places where we lived when I was a toddler but I don’t remember those actual moves. Kids, I think, rarely remember the actual moves. I just know we moved in the middle of kindergarten. And again as I started 5th grade. And again at age 15. And I live in four different places during four years of high school.

Dave was in the Army when we married and we lived in eleven different places the first ten years we were married. I remember those moves and all the ones that followed. But, never have I had a move like this one.

Normally, when you move from one place to another you start way in advance and pack boxes of the things you rarely use then stash those boxes in some corner or another. On moving day, your helpers come, whether they be friends and relatives or paid movers, and everything gets moved to the new place all at once. Then you start unpacking the boxes until you are all moved in.

But we’ve been living the last year and a half in a 24-foot motorhome. There’s very little in it we don’t use regularly. And there’s no place to stash boxes as we packed them. So we moved bit by bit.

We parked the motorhomes side by side, packed a bag or two from the old RV, moved that stuff into the new RV, unpacked it and found places to stash it, then went back to the old RV to do it again.

Everything had to be unpacked and put away as soon as it was moved because we never knew when the dealer was going to want to move the RV into the shop to do more of the warranty work. The new RV had to be ready to be moved all the time. So we had a couple of days of being discombobulated.

I got ready to brush my teeth only to discover my toothbrush was in one RV and the toothpaste in the other. I got hungry then discovered the food was in one RV and the cooking utensils in the other. My lumbar pillow was, and still is, always in the wrong one. I had one can of pop in the new one and three cases of pop in the old one.

Even when we get stuff over here there are the challenges of deciding what goes where. Did you ever try to pack a movable pantry that has adjustable shelves? You’d be surprised how long that apparently simple task takes.


I hate clutter! It makes me grumpy.


I am going to be so glad when we are done moving. So is Dave. 🙂



New Home

We are buying the RV I mentioned before as being in Bakersfield, California. It is not perfect but nothing in life is, really, and it comes so close.

It is a 2010 Winnebago Journey Express 34Y and it looks like this:


It is a 34 foot DP. Translated that means it is almost 35 feet long and it has a diesel engine at the back end. It has only one door which you can see on the passenger side front. You climb several steps to get into it because there is storage on the lower level–known amazingly enough as the basement. The extended walls you see in this picture are called slides. The front one is in the living room and the back one is in the bedroom. On the other side is one that runs nearly the entire length of the RV which makes for lots of room inside. See:


In the living room here’s Linda’s chair:


And Dave’s chair:


And the view they face:


That’s the dining/computing area. It includes a buffet with a surprise. See the funny looking top of the buffet?


It hides this:


I suspect we’ll start watching movies again with such a comfortable place to do so. We even have a surround sound system so we can catch all the nuances of movie soundtracks once again.

This is the kitchen:


Most RVers call this a galley but I don’t come from a boating background so I bounce back and forth between the two terms. We now have a double sink and a four, count them four, door refrigerator! And a microwave/convection oven I can reach and a corner into which to tuck my bar stool so I can prepare food without having to stand too long. I’ve already started digging out some of my favorite healthful recipes.

Speaking of healthful, see this long aisle facing another big TV?


That’s where I plan to put a new Wii so I can go bowling or play tennis or golf or whatever else will help me get up out of my comfy chair and moving around some. Those cab chairs under the TV swivel to face the living room so our visitors can be comfy, too. The passenger one is a recliner with a built in foot rest as well.

I have no plans at all for this:


That’s the bedroom TV. Are you counting? That’s three so far for a couple of people who have watched no TV for the last year and a half. We would never have ordered this many TVs but the RV already had all of them in it and they wouldn’t give us a discount to take them out so, as far as I am concerned, the only value of this one is resale value some day when we are done with the RV.

But wait! There’s more!


This is the outside TV. Yup, TV number four. The one where we can have the neighbors over to sit under our awning and watch the big game. Or play in the big game if we put a Wii out there. Or watch what I do if I decide to start presenting seminars on RVing like I used to do on model railroading. Or something. Surely we can find some justification for having four TVs in a house that’s only 34 feet long! After all, the dealer who ordered the RV with all these TV must have justified it somehow.

Anyway, that’s our new home. At least it will be if the dealer ever gets all the glitches fixed and upgrades installed. The latest word is it should all be done ready for delivery to us next Tuesday. In the meantime, we now have keys to it so we can start moving our stuff from the 24 foot View to the 34 foot Journey. I think our stuff is going to get lost in there.



ps. Oh yeah, there’s a bed and a bathroom, too, for those of you who were wondering about that.