It’s Official!

Today is the start of a new year!


What does that really mean? Are our day to day lives suddenly supposed to be magically different? I grew up in a family of magicians but none of them were able to make our lives magically different just by specifying a day on which it would happen.

If you are unhappy about some part of your life, figure out what change you want to see and what you need to do to make it happen. But, please, don’t make it dependent on a magic day. I know too much about the reality behind magic to buy into that.



Mirror, Mirror

One of the things on our move-in apartment condition report was the state of the master bathroom mirror.


As you can see in the photos above, the backing is coming off providing a freckled look to people viewed in the mirror. As I already have enough age spots, I was pleased when they said they would replace it. Doing so has turned into a comedy of errors.

Paul measured the mirror and discovered they couldn’t get one in that size. So, he brought up a list of sizes they could get, measured the wall, and decided to buy a mirror that is taller than the old one which would mean moving the light fixture up a bit.

They ordered that mirror. It arrived. They put it in a store room until Paul would have time to install it. It got broken while still in the store room.

So they ordered a second mirror. It arrived. They put it in the painter’s room until Paul would have time to install it. The painter came early and drove his cart into the mirror.

They ordered a third mirror. Paul said this one is supposed to be made of safety glass. It arrived. They brought it up and put it in my bedroom where it would be safe until Paul had time to come install it.

Today Paul moved the light fixture and installed the mirror. It looked great.

For a short while, it looked great. But, when no one was even in the room it self destructed.


I’ve left a message on Paul’s voice mail.

But the light still works.



ps. I haven’t weighed in yet this week but in spite of two Christmas parties, pizza, and Cheetos I took my belt in another notch this week so I think I’ll be fine at weigh in time tomorrow.

Preparing for winter

Dave lived in Minnesota for 60 years and I did so for 45 years. You’d think we’d know how to do this, wouldn’t you?

It’s amazing to me how much we managed to forget once we got out of here. And how much stuff we are having to acquire again. First was a snow brush for the car. Then Dave bought boots. We had to figure out how to wear layers all over again.

We probably should buy winter coats but we are resisting doing that. Instead we’ve settled for layering our lightweight jackets over fleece jackets. Which was a problem the other day when I wore a stretchy polyester suit since my fleece refused to slide over that. I couldn’t change clothes because that’s the only dressy thing I own and we were headed to a memorial gathering. I settled for wearing my full length raincoat and letting Dave drop me and pick me up right at the door. I don’t know if that would have been OK if we’d had an accident along the way so had to sit in the car without heat.

Maybe we need to buy some sleeping bags to put in the car for emergencies? We never carried those when we lived here but then we actually wore winter coats. And we did carry insulated boots in the car. Do we need to buy more of those, too?

How do you survive winter? How do WE survive winter?



ps. Another week with another Weight Watchers award. This one for losing 25 pounds. I’m on a roll here, folks, instead of BEING a roll here.

Weight Watchers 2012

As many of you know “New. Improved.” are not some of my favorite words. I dislike it when someone takes something I regularly use and makes something different of it. So I was a little concerned when Weight Watchers announced they were “improving” their Points Plus system.

So far, it has not been as bad as I feared. The main thing they changed in week one of this rollout is the number of points I’m supposed to use when deciding what to eat. My daily points goal dropped from 29 to 27. In explanation of this the leader of this week’s meeting told us that when WW started the Points Plus system they did they best they could to determine the right number of points for most people. They also debuted eTools which lets people track their food and weight on-line.

What never occurred to me is that they are watching on-line entries to see what people are doing with the program. That gives them information as to how people’s bodies are responding to what level of points. Never mind that some of us don’t always enter the zero points food we eat. Their analysis led them to discover that many of us can eat less. In fact. we can eat as little as 26 points and still stay healthy as long as we choose from a variety of foods. 29 points is no longer the lowest they encourage you to go. So they dropped their recommendations for many of us.

The result of being assigned 27 points is I lost 2.4 pounds in one week. If you’ve been reading this blog for long you know that when I lose more than 2 pounds a week for two weeks in a row they scold me for loosing too fast.

But, another feature of this new program is you can go into eTools and change your points target.

So I boosted mine back up to 29 points. Yes, I want to lose my excess weight. But I want to do it at a healthful rate. 29 points works for me. I don’t need “New. Improved.”



ps. I also won an award at the meeting for having lost 10% of my starting weight. That feels good.