Weight Watchers Goal #1

Today I reached a Weight Watcher’s goal of having lost 5% of my starting weight. No, you don’t need to do the math on that. 🙂

How did I do it? Apparently by eating more this week than I’ve been eating the last several weeks. You see this week I ate all my daily points allowance plus all my weekly points allowance then I ate some more.

Weight Watcher’s let’s you do that by giving you credit for your activity as well as your food. So when I went over my weekly points, I did enough exercise to bring my balance from negative 2 points back to zero. And I lost 1 1/2 pounds!

Does that make sense? Maybe. You see, if you don’t eat enough food, your body thinks you are living in a famine so it stores calories more efficiently. By increasing what I ate my body may have said the famine is over so it can go back to sloughing off those extra calories.

So, I need to keep eating those fruits and veggies that are zero points because those calories count even if the points don’t. Apparently, I can’t get enough calories while staying within my points allowance by being a carnivore. 🙂

Yes, the exercise might have had something to do with it as well. But, I have to be careful there. I know from reading WW blogs that there are people who justify terrible eating by doing lots of exercise. I don’t want to become one of them. But, there’s probably no danger of me exercising too much, right? 🙂



ps. Dave says he moved this blog to a new server so if you didn’t get it, you need to set new bookmarks and/or RSS feeds. How you are supposed to know to do that if you didn’t get it is beyond me. 🙂  Oh, he’s says you got it, just not as efficiently since you got redirected. The better address is https://sandcastle.sandsys.org.


The 101 Market is our park’s next door neighbor.

Between us and their store, they planted corn, which in some cultures is also known as maize. Planting corn is not unusual for this semi-rural area. But there seems to be a lot of bare spots in their cornfield.

Dave offered to hike up this hill across the street to take pictures for me.

But he just got more bare spots.

There was a much better view from the highway ramp just behind the barrier wall last week. I wish we’d taken a picture then. The you could see just how a-maze-ing this field is.

Or you could wait until October to come see if you can find your way through this corn maze that’s growing next to us.




ps. Down another 1/2 pound this week. But, I may have to start exercising regularly instead of randomly to pick up speed.





Owie is Minnesota-speak for injury. Usually said in one of those sugary-sweet tones of voice adults sometimes use to children as in, “Do you have an owie?”

Yes, I certainly do.

I’m not sure exactly what the doctor said. It was something like, “inflammation of the Achilles bursa.” Which basically means sharp pain in the back of the heel.

Does mine hurt? No. Not, if I don’t move. Trying to walk, however, is very painful.

So, the doctor gave me stretching exercises to do. That’s right. If it hurts to move, the treatment is to move it. Not just to move it but to stretch and hold the sore part of your body. As odd as that sounds it works. When I stretch that tendon before I get up, it hurts less to walk.

The other part of the bad news is the doctor said healing is measured in weeks not days.

So much for my exercise program.

The good news is I’ve now lost 10.4 pounds in spite of how little I exercise.

And things are still going better for me than they are for this guy. Check out his license plate.




Today is the official day for celebrating our nation’s independence. This is often done by shooting off fireworks which most people have long forgotten are a symbol of the battles we fought to gain our freedom.

The people across the river have been setting off fireworks all week but they’ve been the kind that make lots of noise without lots of beauty. Since we’ve been hearing these all week we weren’t surprised to hear even more of them last night.

That’s too bad because we missed what was apparently a beautiful display. Dave discovered that only when he was going to bed.

He heard voices outside our bedroom window so he looked out and discovered neighbors sitting at our newly refurbished picnic table watching the display across the river. Before we could get clothes and shoes to go join them, it was all over and our neighbors were clapping and cheering.

I wonder if there will be a repeat tonight?

