I am not a gardener. I have a very black thumb. But, I just read something that spoke to me that I want to pass on.
Minimalism is like gardening. You have to get rid of the weeds if you want the vegetables to grow.
I am not a gardener. I have a very black thumb. But, I just read something that spoke to me that I want to pass on.
Minimalism is like gardening. You have to get rid of the weeds if you want the vegetables to grow.
New to me, at least.
Zone Defense
For when you live with others who are not minimalists.
Each family member has at least one area in which to accumulate whatever makes them happy.
But, there are zones in which stuff is not allowed to accumulate.
If you are the cook and you are a maximalist you can have as much cooking gear as your choose to have. But, if you are the cook and you are a minimalist you get to defend your zone again encroachment of other people’s stuff.
If you share your living room with kids you can declare the zone behind the couch to be a play area while all space in front of the couch is a minimalist zone.
A zone defense makes it possible for minimalists and maximalists to live in harmony.
In theory, anyway.
Dave took this picture out our window today. The pond is so shallow, deer are wading in it. Click to enlarge it.
I wish the water was as clear as it used to be. The more houses they build the more green the water gets as people “treat” their lawns, thus destroying the nature this land was dedicated to preserve. I suspect the people living in the houses up the hill on the other side of the trees don’t see the damage they are doing. At least, I hope they don’t see it rather than they are just ignoring the results of their activities.
Life is a seesaw.
Full of ups and downs.
You don’t struggle to win because how do you win at seesaw?
You just try to strike a balance.
Use the energy from the ups to get you through the downs.
And do your best to maintain the right level in your life.
Of everything.