I spend a lot of my time alone. Part of that is because I have social anxiety. Joining people in any event can quite literally make me sick. Yes, I have medicine I can take for that but it is addictive so I don’t like to take it too often. But, I do need to be around people sometimes.
Like Thanksgiving day. I took a couple pills and joined the van dwellers group for Thanksgiving dinner:
I hugged some old friends and enjoyed meeting some new ones.
Then I moved off into the desert on my own for two days to recharge for the next event.
These people are part of my Escapee’s family. As many of us who can make it gather in the desert every January to catch up with one another. Sometimes our paths cross other times of the year and we meet along the way. This group all happened to be in the same place on December 1st so I drove a couple hours to join them for a meal.
Then I retreated to the desert once again.
My next planned gathering is in a couple of weeks when my daughter is hoping to come help me do some chores. She wants to learn more about RVing in the desert and I am thrilled to have her cook for me. Hopefully, I will have a freezer full of food when she leaves which should help with my energy crises.
Then there will be the January gatherings. I have several groups I can join during a couple of weeks then if my body will let me do so. If you are among those groups and you see me staying inside instead of coming out to party, please, understand: It is me; not you.