Yes, you read that right. The power for this park is scheduled to be down Thursday from 9 am to noon and we are happy about that.
I know; I know, you are all asking if we are crazy. At least those of you who live in houses are. Some RVers, especially those who stay in one place for awhile might already have guessed why we are happy.
You see, we have a generator in our RV to supply power when we camp somewhere with no electrical supply. Yes, we normally have power here so our generator does not get used.
Therein lies the problem. Generators are made to be run. They like to be run. Fluids, just like our bodies’ blood, are best when they get to circulate regularly. How many of you have let your lawnmower sit over the winter without having drained the fuel? Doesn’t work come Spring, right?
So, we are supposed to run our generator at least an hour every month to keep it happy. We are supposed to do that while calling for a full load of energy from it. We usually do that by running our generator and air conditioner at the same time.
Now, generators are noisy. And put out smelly exhaust. So neighbors in RV parks don’t appreciate you running them there. So we usually exercise our generator while driving from one site to another. But, we aren’t making any trips down the road this summer. What to do? What to do?
Wait for your park to announce a planned power outage. Then use that as an excuse to exercise the generator! Win!
ps. Down another 1.8 pounds this week. Happy, happy!