Another day, another year

Our communication styles have certainly changed over the years.

Back when our daughter was young she and I used to read rebus stories together. You know, the ones where pictures substitute for some of the words. One year we found a greeting card that had a picture of a hippopotamus, a bluebird, and two female sheep. It tickled us so much we’ve been using that greeting ever since.

So today I got a text message from her that said, “Hippo birdie two ewes.”

And I got an email from my Dad to let me know he is thinking of me today.

And I got a card from a weight loss program reminding me they would love for me to spend lots of money letting them help me live a healthier life.

Instead, I’m reminding myself my diabetic education team is asking for “progress, not perfection” as we plan to go to my favorite steakhouse for dinner. Yes, I could start with a tossed salad instead of Minnesota wild rice soup, but how often do I get to eat wild rice soup?

And I’m bringing a cooler with us to put my leftovers in because we are going from the restaurant to a model railroad operating session where we will spend the evening with friends we have known for many years doing something fun.

Today is a good day.



5 thoughts on “Another day, another year”

  1. By reading your blog today…I’m guessing that today was your birthday.
    Happy, happy, happy birthday. Hope you had a wonderfull day.

  2. Is it your birthday? That’s what I thought too as I read it too. If so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU. If you couldn’t tell, I was singing.

  3. I can’t sing so don’t even try to imagine it. But I sure hope your day was really good and that the soup was better than you remembered it.

  4. Thanks for the well wishes. I can hear Jeri singing but it sounds like I’m glad I can’t hear Sandie. 🙂 The soup was wonderful and I have lots of leftover steak which, for me, is a perfect birthday present. I added a photo for Robert.

  5. Thank you. Gracias. Danke. Oh, yes, and a very, very happy, happy birthday. If I don’t get moving, you’re going to catch up with me. 😎

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