
When couples are getting ready to go RVing many men ask the discussion forums how much clothing we think their wives should bring. I usually say something like they should bring as many clothes as you bring tools. 🙂  My point being we cannot determine another person’s needs.

As a minimalist, though, I don’t think we women need as many clothes as we were taught we do.

This is my closet. It is 21-inches wide.

Hanging from the rod is a raincoat, winter coat, 4 jackets of various weights & dressiness, 3 dressy tops with 1 divided skirt, 6 long-sleeve t-shirts, and 5 short sleeve-t-shirts. By mixing and matching various layers I have a lot of variety.

Note the empty hangers on the left. I forgot to bring ones for the already dirty clothes so had to buy a packet of hangers. I expect to be donating some next time I go to Goodwill.

On the shelf above are 1 pair of blue jean, 1 pair of white jeans, 2 pairs of sweat pants and various packing cubes. The cubes hold mostly socks, underwear & hankies but there is one of swimming stuff and one with hats, gloves and scarves. My jewelry roll is also up there just in case I decide to do something bold like wear a different pair of earrings or a necklace one day.

Having just done laundry when I took this picture I can assure you this is all the clothes I own except for the ones I was wearing at the time and my 1 pair of pajamas. (My sweats are used as back up pajamas if needed.)

For shoes I have 1 pair of closed-top Crocs which look more like clogs than Crocs, 1 pair of leather sandals, and my moccasin-style slippers. I own other shoes but I left them in Minneapolis. These are all I wear, anyway, but I have hard to fit feet so I keep ones I may wear again some day.

So, how many clothes do I think women should bring?  If they share my style, about this many. If they don’t, then the answer would be different.



5 thoughts on “Wardrobe”

  1. I still have way too many clothes but there’s room in the fiver for them so I don’t do anything about it. That also means I don’t have to do laundry frequently which is kind of nice, too. Someday I will need to thin things out again.

  2. i went through all my clothes just the other day. i now own 45 pieces total. includes summer and winter.
    they all fit into one small closet. i have 5 pairs of shoes. that includes one pair of wellies for when we get snow deep enough to go over the tops of regular shoes. and we always do at one point in the winter. so … i’m pretty well set for the 105 and also the 23. degrees that is! i’d like to whittle it even more.

  3. I have more clothes than you do by far, but I have the room for them.

    So where are you now? Still ironing things out with the manufacturer? (pun intended)

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