Some days are like that

As I said in my last post, I set out to run errands in the rain.

Looking at my fuel gauge as I drove into town it said I had a full tank and had only driven 10 miles since my last fill up. What?! My furnace had used so little fuel in the last week and a half that is didn’t even move the gauge? Then why did my furnace stop working?

So I skipped the gas station for now and made Walmart my first stop. I’m not supposed to ride my Scoot in the rain so I needed to park close. The Walmart in Parker, Arizona, has one of those over-sized handicapped parking spots in which my over-sized van fits. There was a Jeep in it. So I sat off the side of the driveway in the fire lane waiting for a place I could park near enough for me to be able to walk into the store. Finally a car pulled out of one of those nose-in spots next to the long one so I drove around the row and pulled in across it and the striped area of the big spot until I pretty much cleared the drive itself coming fairly close to being nose to nose with that Jeep.

Luckily there was a fully charged cart available so I was able to do all my shopping in one go.

When I cam back out there was a VW Beetle in the over-sized spot. Do people not think at all? That driver has to have seen the maneuver I had to make to park next to him yet he took the big spot!

Now, it was time to decide what to do about my furnace. So, I called Dave, of course. He walked me through several potential problems checking things like the possibility of a blown fuse. Nope the fuse is fine. Nope the system for checking for error codes says there were no errors. Yes, the display on the remote works. Yes, the fan blows but the air is not getting warm; it’s just bringing outside air in through the furnace without heating it. We decide this is beyond our ability to solve so I will have to call someone. There is an Espar dealer in Phoenix so I may have to head there this week.

In the meantime, I head back into Walmart to buy a small electric heater. I’m not going to freeze while we figure out this problem.

When I come back out this time there is a pickup truck parked in the long spot. About time someone got it right.

Then off to do laundry. There are two women in the laundromat. They promptly tell me the water pressure in the machines is not up to doing the job. The sink works, though, so they have been using buckets to fill the machines for the wash and rinse cycles. They insist I stay and they will do the filling for me. So, I do and they do and I give them each one of my string bags as a thank you.

As I’m transferring my now clean clothes to the dryer, I realize my lingerie bag never got in. Guess I’ll be doing some hand laundry this week. Wonder what else can go wrong today?

I decide I’ve earned a reward so I take myself to Pizza Hut for my favorite chicken and mushroom pizza. They are out of mushrooms. Of course they are. So I settle for chicken and olives

Finally back home I decide to practice one form of insanity. The one defined as doing the same thing while expecting different results. I didn’t expect different results when I turned my furnace on but I decided to try it anyway.

It worked. Maybe it just needed a day off on my off day.



ps. Not wanting to stress my furnace too much again, I plugged in my new space heater to see if it worked. Wow, does it work! I got something right!


7 thoughts on “Some days are like that”

  1. You are right. There are just some days like that. However, now that the furnace has decided to work things may be uphill from here. Happy New Year!

  2. LOL … sorry but LOL …

    but on the serious side… I can NOT believe the people who park in handicapped places… they need to be reported … drives me insane.

    and yes… Murphy leaves Cyn alone ever now and then and visits someone else … your furnace! oh, me…

    Happy New Year 😉 !!!

    Talk to Dave about making commenting easier without having to fill in all that stuff each time… or tell me how to comment without having to fill out all that stuff each time… 😉

  3. One of those days is all you’re allowed cause that’s enough. But a working furnace is a good thing especially if you don’t have to make the drive all the way back to Phoenix.

  4. Oh dear. We all have one of those days. I think the topper was no mushrooms. How can a pizza place run out of mushrooms? Glad you bounced back and ordered olives.

    So nice of the gals to help you with the laundry. What nice “thank you” gift. Good thinking.

    Happy New Year. Hope the first day of the new year has no surprises in store for you!

  5. i know you know without saying… anyone brave enough to travel across this country in an rv knows how to stay safe for pete sake! lol.
    but a mother and 4 children and the family pets just burned to death in a fire over the holidays here.
    she had ‘space heaters’ in the rooms. somehow that’s what they know caused the fires. they didn’t say whether a malfunction or if too close to cloth? whatever. they are now of course stressing to us the “dangers” of space heaters on the news.
    but be careful dear rv brave heart!!!
    i think i’d be talking with the makers of the rv ~ it’s surely too new to be having a problem like that!! ??

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