Looking back

According to the Bible, God told Lot’s wife not to look back or he would turn her into a pillar of salt. Yet, look back she did.

And so do we.

We ask ourselves such questions as:

Who is that person that has taken up residence so deeply in my mind?

What would have happened if I had made a different decision?

When might I have been able to choose differently?

Where did I learn to make these choices?

Why has my life taken this turn?

How could I have made different choices?

How many of us are so busy looking back that we cannot move forward?



2 thoughts on “Looking back”

  1. “How many of us are so busy looking back that we cannot move forward?”
    I have been reading Eckhart Tolle’s two books… The Power of Now and The New Earth.
    and I am learning so much about the inner workings and not always productive workings of the Egoic mind.
    it’s putting so many things about ourselves and the cultures we live in … into perspective! I had tried reading them before. 3 different times. finally this time ‘TOOK’ as they say! and I’m delighted. I feel I’m growing again after being stuck for years.
    a quick side story… I remember as a child reading about Lot and his wife. and God turning her into stone because she looked back!!! I questioned his doing that if he truly LOVED us. I thought it was harsh and unusual punishment! LOLOL. and I still do.

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