Preaching to the choir

I recently read a blog using the phrase “preaching to the choir” that asked if that was wasted effort since, hopefully, all the choir members are already believers.

I see it differently.

A good preacher will help me see something old in a new way.

We are all familiar with the phrase “an eye for an eye” which meaning people use to justify their own bad behavior. But, a preacher posited the idea that what it really means is that the punishment should not be worse than the crime.

I think there are lot of people in prison today who wish the people who put them there understood that principle.



Another Word Game

Dave recently discovered an app called Knot Words. This is a crossword puzzle game but not one of which I’ve ever seen the like before. In this one, they give you the letters and you have to decide how to arrange them to discover what the words are. But…

They don’t give you all the letters for one word. Instead, they give you a section of the puzzle and the letters that go in that section.

For instance, the letters might be o s n t and they fit within a 2×2 grid.  Attached to that grid might be additional spaces going up, down or sideways making some of your letters part of additional words.

Let’s say two of the horizontal spaces are a stand alone word. Now you have to decide if that word is so, no, to, or on. You make your best guess then try to fill in nearby spaces to help confirm or deny your guess.

If you truly get stuck you can get a hint. The hint is for an entire word just like in a normal crossword puzzle. When you ask for a hint the game will show you arrows indicating which words you can choose from to get your hint. You are allowed a maximum of three hints per game so choose wisely when to use them.

Oh, and you only get one game per day.

Except, when we started there were several days in April available to play, which we did. But, at the beginning of May all the April games disappeared. So, if you start today, you can play the May games as long as you do so before the end of the month.

If you decide you don’t like the letter blocks of this game, in the options menu you can choose to play whole words instead.

So, go. Challenge yourself to this new game. I dare you.



Homeowner Rule #1

I don’t know how many of you get Crankshaft in your Sunday comics but his message a few weeks ago spoke to me.

“If you can’t find it, you don’t own it.”

To facilitate finding things we own I have learned not to ask about new items, “Where should I put this?”

Now I ask, “Where would I look for this?”

It’s so much easier to find seldom used things now.



Attention magnets

James Clear, Atomic Habits:

“Look around your environment.

Rather than seeing items as objects, see them as magnets for your attention. Each object gently pulls a certain amount of your attention toward it.

Whenever you discard something, the tug of that object is released. You get some attention back.”


Also from James Clear’s blog:

Writer Jenée Desmond-Harris on how to divide your to-do list:

“I started dividing my to-do list into 1) things I have to do, 2) things I want to do, and 3) things other people want me to do. Life changing! I often don’t get to #3 and I finally realized… this is what it means to have boundaries.”

Source: Twitter


Sometimes it help me to read what others write instead of writing myself.

